Seats and New Team Member!
We knew we were going to have to get some sort of seat coverings built at some point, but none of us have any remote idea about sewing or anything that would prove helpful to do upholstrey. We enlisted Sean's mom Teri to help us get things squared away. She is an interior decorator so she not only knows who to get things from, she actually helped us realize what would look good and what wouldn't , thank goodness for that. She also helped us find a good deal on material, all around it was more of the simpler things we have done on the trailer. So, thanks again Teri!
In addition to that we have another new team member. Yet another good aggie has joined up to help get this thing up and running. It wasn't too surprising that he decided to join as we have convinced him to spent several days helping us get things built. We are glad to have Richy on the team, it is good to have a mechanical engineer around to help us petroleum engineers build stuff.
Here are a few pictures of the seats:
Now Eric and I are once again offshore, so it is up to Blake and Richie to get everything finished up. They started building the BBQ pit which is no small task. Hopefully we will get lucky and get everything finished in time.